Tuesday, May 11, 2010

o ya...one more thing....

n i hate of not seeing you !
i may lose interest in you !
i mean im like tat ok....
i dun c the fellow anymore....
so surely my eyes will look around right?
1 week is no joke
especally a guy u dun even noe
u jus look at him oni

irritating !
if he care he should at least come....
but noooo
u dun see him.....
n im tired....
i went after bfore n it fail
i duno whether i can take another wan....
enough heartbreak !

n some ppl cant move on?
like my fren
she reali love her ex
stil will accept him back anytime
n mayb my mum too...
even she dun show
actually stil care about my dad gua....
they r not the oni guy in the world !
but these feelings i wont understand
u cant tell a person to give up when they stilhave feelings
mayb i never reali loved a person bfore....
havent understand it yet

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