Tuesday, December 16, 2008

twilight quotes

Few reasons why a lot of girls love Edward Cullen.

A normal guy would say: I luv u, baby!
Edward would say: You are my lyf now.

While you've gone far away

A normal guy would say: I miss you.
Edward would say: It's like you've taken half myself with you.

"I wish normal people have a heart that vampires do. Once they fall in love, they never fall out of love." - Twilight

Instead of a Prince with a Horse, I want a Vampire with a Volvo.

Are you a vampire? Coz you dazzle me.

you're my personal brand of pure heroin

Edward Cullen: "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it."

I'll be your lamb, if you'll be my lion.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
"What a stupid lamb"
"What a sick, masochistic lion"

Look after my heart.
I've left it with you.- Edward Cullen

Be Safe.- Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen: "It was like my heart was gone---like I was hollow. Like I'd left everything that was inside me here with you."

" i'll do whatever it takes just to make you safe again"----edward cullen

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